Tuesday, October 27, 2009

台湾热卖SHILLS超炫光BB無瑕霜(櫻花飛舞限量版) RM36

台湾热卖SHILLS超炫光BB無瑕霜(櫻花飛舞限量版) RM36

只要一瓶 隔離、潤色、修護、保濕、遮瑕,全完成。Maintenance of whitening ingredients - Ginkgo biloba, licorice, vitamin C oil control ingredients - green tea, moisturizing ingredient - Hyaluronic acid, jojoba essence ultra-waterproof feature allows you to get outside and have no fear, low-irritant even sensitive to muscle, any skin Jieke End of makeup is not thin thick sticky texture of fresh, good sense of non-blocking lightweight breathable pores, Concealer, and can be modified at the same time coarse pores on the End of makeup skin care makeup at the same time far better than others, seems to go hand in hand invisible apple light, delicate fresh green tea fragrance, Baotou super-perfect every day, revealing the natural sugar porcelain-ngan For Body. As long as a bottle of isolation, polish, repair, moisturizing, Concealer, all complete.

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